Looking For An Altcoin With Fake Transactions? PseudoCoin Delivers!

In the crowded  ever growing vertical of Altcoins, it can be difficult to come up with an original idea to put a new Cryptocurrency ahead of others.

Almost every angle has been done before - anonymous transactions, staking, interest - but PseudoCoin is touting an entirely different selling point with their new Altcoin that was launched on July 4, 2014.

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So what does PseudoCoin deliver that other Altcoins don’t?

Pseudo Coin Launched

Fake transactions.

Yes, you read it right - fake transactions.

Now for anyone that’s interested in the linguistics of what PsuedoCoin is claiming, here are the definitions of the word ‘fake.’

1. A thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham.

2. Not genuine; counterfeit.

3. A forge or counterfeit.

Until now, this word typically was  used to describe designer handbags that were sold at underground parties or on the dark streets of New York City.

But things have changed!

Anyone that takes things at face value would almost have to avoid getting involved with this coin, knowing that the intentions referenced in the coin name are likely to come true in a matter of time.

It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but at some point PsuedoCoin is bound to fake users out and stop delivering the goods, but the dev did take some time out of his busy day to offer the following explanation:

“It is basically faked transactions through exchanges, will discuss on this more later, and I’m simply answering his question since many would like to be on exchanges I prefer to wait it out.”

Given his explanation of the ‘fake transaction’ theory, it will be interesting to see what exchanges take a chance on this coin and allow it to be traded at their site. (C-Cex added them to their exchange earlier today.)

There’s nothing quite like a fake transaction or two to keep things interesting in Altcoin City!

What are your thoughts on this  scintillating new Altcoin? Are you ‘in’?