People in the cryptocurrency world are always busy. They don’t have time to sit down for lengthy interviews. At the Altcoin Herald we understand their need to get a lot of things done fast! We want to get to know the people who are interested in and currently shaping the world of alternative cryptocurrencies. Today’s 4 Question Interview is with Bryce Weiner, someone you probably have encountered if you’ve ever spent time on Twitter perusing popular altcoin hashtags.
Bryce is also known for his speeches he gives at cryptocurrency conventions. He has created several of his own altcoins and has been an outspoken proponent of several others.
Bryce is currently working on a number of projects, including his involvement with BlockTech, a company that’s mission statement is to build value ‘on the decentralized, distributed, encrypted and open source cloud-computing platform called the blockchain’.
If that mission sounds ambitious to you, you’re probably one of the people who is very excited about the potential services that will be built on top of existing technologiesm extending functionality to every day use. Let’s see what Bryce has to say about our beloved subject of crypto.
Bryce, you have a lot of engagement on Twitter, much of which tends to be controversial. Why do you think you’re such a polarizing figure?
I don’t consider myself polarizing. The discussion in regard to cryptocurrencies has been dominated by only a few voices for so long it has become an echo chamber of confirmation bias. Bitcoin became institutional so fast it left it’s grass root supporters - the ones that brought bitcoin to this point - behind. I’m one of them.
What path has brought you to this historical point in the cryptocurrency movement? Tell us about how you got involved in the cryptocurrency movement
I run a conspiracy research website,, and discussions on Bitcoin first appeared there within a year after it was launched. I mined a few and forgot about it like most people. In August of 2013 I opened that wallet and found $10,000 worth of bitcoins. From that point I began a public demonstration on AmKon as to how to make money with Bitcoin via mining and trading. I setup a Twitter account in November 2013 and the rest is history.
You’re involved in a new Silicon Valley Startup known as BlockTech. What are your goals for this new organization?
We’re not a Silicon Valley startup, but a San Diego startup.
What important lessons do you think people who are brand new to the world of cryptocurrency need to learn, especially early on
The first thing I recommend to anyone is to start where we all started: Satoshi’s post about bitcoin on the P2PFoundation forums. That’s where this all came from and the original discussions with Satoshi regarding the principles upon which bitcoin operates are absolutely invaluable to anyone invested in this space with either time, sweat, or money.
If you don’t follow Bryce already on Twitter, please make sure to right now. He always has another heaping of crypto-wisdom and you don’t usually have to wait long for it! If you have a passion for cryptocurrency, or know a ‘mover and shaker’ we should interview, please contact us now.
Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for more 4 Question Interviews with crypto experts!