Advertising On Altcoin Herald

Alternative cryptocurrencies is a growing industry. How would you like your ad to appear on a leading website with related traffic? Our visitors are altcoin miners, speculators, long-term investors, and enthusiasts. They purchase many items and services using alternative cryptocurrency as well as equipment and rentals related to mining.

Now you can target our audience!

We’re selling several ads in several formats. Please select the one that’s best for you. Each ad comes with unlimited views and clicks for a 30 day duration.

250×250 Sidebar Banner

You can get a 250×250 Banner Ad for a duration of 30 days for a cost of .10 BTC. 16FCYMdaacHugCYqNJ22z37LEMC8yeT5Cu. We can also take PayPal if needed.


The Excalibur 4 Asic Scrypt MIner 2x125 MH/s

The Excalibur 4 Asic Scrypt MIner 2×125 MH/s

728×90 Leaderboard

You can get a 728×90 Leaderboard Banner Ad for a duration of 30 days for .30 BTC. 16FCYMdaacHugCYqNJ22z37LEMC8yeT5Cu. We can also take payment via PayPal if needed.


Example Ad Size

Example Ad Size

If you don’t have a creative we can make one for you for a small fee!

If you have any questions or want to get started get in touch with us now.