So, You Want To Be An Altcoin Logo Artist? Can You Beat These?

You’re looking for a job in the world’s fastest growing imaginary industry (altcoins).

You have mad graphic design skills.

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I’m happy to tell you you’re in demand! Right now altcoins are cursed with some of the absolutely worse graphic images to ever insult the artistic sensibilities of average people.

Don’t believe me?

Let’s take a look at 10 coin logos of recent entries into the Altcoin Arena. Some of these designs are so ugly, your eyes might bleed from looking at them.

You’ve been warned.

A Wickedly Lousy Coin Logo

WickedCoin is living up to its name with its coin logo. The third definition of ‘wicked‘ according to is: “disgustingly unpleasant .” That accurately summarizes this unpolished turd of a design.

WickedCoin’s Wicked Bad Coin Logo

Is it an evil rabbit? Is it dead? I don’t know and I don’t want to know. I also don’t want anything to do with something so unpleasantly disgusting. Who exactly is the target market for this?

Godzillacoin Logo So Bad The Coin Failed At Birth?

Check it out for yourself. It’s round. That’s the only good thing I can muster for this one.

GodzillaCoin Logo Is Scary Bad

This logo is so bad it even scared the Cartoon Coin Dev off. This project was abandoned shortly after birth and it’s not hard to imagine this logo had a lot to do with it.

Mooncoin - You Know Where It’s Headed

This coin stands out for its blandness and it’s tag line. Mooncoin. Get it? It’s going to the moon. Get it? Huh, you get it right? To DA….

Mooncoin Logo Is Bland And Lifeless

Mooncoin is cursed with a truly bland composition. True fans of the real Moon (such as yours truly) will notice there’s something totally off about this image. In any event, this old altcoin from December never made it to the Moon and is much more likely to end  up crashing into Uranus with a design like this.

RotoCoin Is Based On The Ugly Smiley

Roto2′s coin logo design is based on a meme that is know for being ugly. Their coin logo - by default - must be ugly too.

Roto The Ugly Smiley Coin

Do you feel serious investors will purchase a coin that has a logo like this? A logo this bad could potentially hurt the coin ‘Dev’s‘ plans for global domination.

Birdcoin Logo Is One Big Yellow Mess

Check this out for a professional coin logo design.

Birdcoin Logo Makes Generous Use Of Yellow

Inspiring, is it not? Look at that amazing shade of yellow and that well crafted bird. When you look at a logo like this you know this coin is being ‘Devved’ by a real pro! Makes you want to sell your stocks and invest all your money, doesn’t it? No? Me neither!

This list could literally go on and on, but I think you get the point. Altcoins are really in need of much more graphic talent than what’s currently being displayed. The coin logo is probably not a singular factor for a coin’s eventual success. Still, a really bad design says a few bad things about the coin.

It usually indicates the coin Dev hasn’t invested time or money in the project.

It screams to potential investors to ‘not take this seriously!’

Investors in altcoins can at least focus on graphics as an element that indicates the potential for the coin. Right now most investors and speculators are still obsessed with pump’n’dumps. If this ever changes and people start taking a more qualitative look into their altcoin trades, they might start demanding much more universally appealing coin logo designs.

When that happens, altcoin logo designers will be earning top dollars.

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