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Time For That Twitter Thing!
Let’s talk about Cryptos on Twitter. Promise, it’ll be lots and lots of fun!
Welcome, I came for your amusing sarcastic response to CryptoEvents, I stayed for your useful content. Cheers!
Michael D. Souza
Altcoin Trading For Fun And Profit
We’ve touched on the subject of altcoin trading and it’s worth taking another look at it right now. Trading altcoins is an exciting prospect to many because there’s a lot less red tape to deal with than with traditional investing and trading....
Can Altcoins Fulfill Their MIssion To Change Payment Processing?
The only reason alternative cryptocurrencies exist is because people have perceived multiple flaws in Bitcoin and they think they can do things better. Therefore the implicit mission for all altcoins must be to make a product that is better than Bitcoin. Can this be...
NinjaCoin Loses 99.6% Of Your BitCoin Almost Instantly
Ninjas are all about unexpectedly ripping your heart out and showing it to you right before you die. NinjaCoin has followed that theme closely for intrepid altcoin traders. If you needed a reminder that trading new altcoins on Bittrex is more dangerous than driving...
Follow Your Own Rules When Investing In Altcoins
If you plan on investing in altcoins you should not only have strict rules - but you need to try and follow them closely. Rules for investors are a handy tool. Those who don’t have rules often get caught up in a trade and don’t what move to make....
The Altcoin Industry Will Grow As Savvy Business People Enter
The ‘altcoin industry‘ is still relatively new. As with all new industries, growing pains are to be expected. With altcoins things are just a bit worse, though. Many market participants expect to be at least relatively anonymous in their dealings with...
Can New People Handle The Chaos Of Altcoins?
The world of altcoins is a chaotic one. New people who become interested in cryptocoins not only have a lot to learn but they also have to sort through and process complex events at all times. One never knows exactly what’s going to happen with any altcoin...
Alternative Cryptocurrencies Are Set To Rule The World
Altcoins are on the rise. There’s little doubt that alternative cryptocurrencies are here to stay and are gaining in popularity every single day. Communities of active participants are growing. Altcoin exchanges are hitting record volume levels. All signs point...
The Altcoin Proving Grounds Push Cryptocurrency To Higher Standards
The Launching Pad in Altcoin City has been on fire in recent weeks. On one hand, it would be easy to lament this action as ‘litter.’ We can point to multiple examples of crappy coins and then convince ourselves that this many launches is bad for everyone....
X13 Coins Pay The Cartoon Coin Devs A Percentage Of Every Block
Talk about progress. Boost was released as the first X13 altcoin. Built into that code-base is a ‘tip‘ that’s paid on every block to the developer. Now devs can forget using excuses for premines and bill miners directly for EVERY block created. In...
4 Question Interview With Sebastian M. Of CoinNext Exchange
Cryptocurrency wouldn’t be half as fun without the ability to buy, sell and trade altcoin holdings. In this 4 question interview we talk with Sebastian M., a key player at CoinNext exchange. This up and coming exchange is working hard to gain adoption among...
SuperCoin Bounces Back After Busoni’s Kryptonite Move
Look, up in the sky…it’s a bird…it’s a plane… Okay, let’s not get out of hand here. SuperCoin hasn’t done much to save the world and it’s clearly not bulletproof. Still, the price has firmed up nicely in the past few...
Poloniex Angers The Mob In Altcoin City Over SuperCoin
There’s always a scandal brewing in Altcoin City. The latest controversy involves altcoin exchange Poloniex and their handling of the inclusion for SuperCoin. Poloniex implemented a voting system that allows traders who have made 10 or more trades on their...
Now That There’s Way Too Many Altcoins
Things have changed in recent months for alternative cryptocurrency. A literal explosion in the number of altcoins has changed the dynamics of the current landscape. It’s now literally nearly impossible to find support for an altcoin past its launch date. Now...
CryptoAltEx Announces Closure
If you know anything about Altcoin City, you know that the environment can change in the blink of an eye. The latest casualty is the demise of the Altcoin exchange CryptoAltEx. According to WHOIS records, CryptoAltEx went live in mid January of this year and offered...
Why Altcoin Exchanges List Every Piece Of Crap Coin They Can Find
If you ran a high end clothing store, would you pick up scraps of clothing out of people’s dumpsters and then resell them to the general public? Probably not. But if you ran an altcoin exchange, would you list every single coin that asked or had some sort of...
What Is A SkimCoin?
Skimcoins have arrived as a new way for coin devs to profit off the production of their coins. Instead of using more traditional methods - such as Premines or Instamines at launch - coin devs take started a new wave - taking a percentage off of every...
The Altcoin Launching Pad Was Well Used In The Month Of May
Were you were worried that the Launching Pad in Altcoin City wasn’t getting enough usage in May? Don’t! If there’s one thing that shouldn’t keep you up nights it’s feeling anxious about whether enough new altcoins are going to be...
BlazeCoin Seeks To Help Volunteer Fire Departments
What isn’t there to like about volunteer fire departments? They help people when they need it most - when there’s a house fire, a car accident or a natural disaster. Recently a new Altcoin - BlazeCoin (BLZ) - was launched in support of...
Invasion Of The 2.0 Altcoins
Trends come and go quickly in AltcoinCity… and the flavor of the day is always changing. You’ve got to be observant to see these trends unfold - In recent past there were Country Coins, Color Coins, Foundational Coins and Animal Coins, that all swung...
GroinCoin Targets Crypto Pervs Who Enjoy Paying For Adult Websites
Did you know there are people who still pay for online porn? No? I didn’t either. Well apparently there’s still a huge adult market for people who love to pay for porn. That’s the vertical that’s being targeted by GroinCoin, a new entrant into...Share it now!